# Blink LEDs with network packets ![Blinking cube at 37C3](img/congress.jpg "Blinking Cube") ## Using an ESP32-S2 to blink NeoPixels based on Wifi traffic Blinks white LEDs on receiving a ping, changes color of left or right part of the LED ring depending on the protocol used (TCP/UDP). Color is determined by the port receiving the packet (`pixels.ColorHSV(port)`. ### Hardware setup - Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S2 - Adafruit NeoPixel Driver BFF - 8 Pixel LED ring ### Software setup Built using platformio, espidf, Arduino, `vim`, and love. Works by hooking the LWIP TCP/IP stack with a custom function. If you decide to run this, make sure you update `platformio.ini` with your board details! ### Build `pio run` ### Flash `pio run -t upload`