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1 year ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import json
import time
from pprint import pprint
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
1 year ago
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Manifest:
name: str
version: str
dependencies: dict
scripts: dict
class Package:
name: str
reported_manifest: Manifest
actual_manifest: Manifest
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self.reported_manifest = parse_manifest(name)
self.actual_manifest = parse_actual_manifest(name, self.reported_manifest.version)
1 year ago
class colors:
PURPLE = '\033[1;35;48m'
CYAN = '\033[1;36;48m'
BOLD = '\033[1;37;48m'
BLUE = '\033[1;34;48m'
GREEN = '\033[1;32;48m'
YELLOW = '\033[1;33;48m'
RED = '\033[1;31;48m'
BLACK = '\033[1;30;48m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4;37;48m'
END = '\033[1;37;0m'
1 year ago
1 year ago
# hex checksum = file name
1 year ago
# use hex to get *actual* manifest:
def parse_manifest(pkg):
# get and parse the manifest which contains the values reported on the frontend
1 year ago
url = '{}/'.format(pkg)
parsed = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
1 year ago
# extract the interesting bits
latest_ver = parsed['dist-tags']['latest']
except KeyError:
print(f'Failed to find latest version for {pkg} - might have been unpublished?')
return None, None, None, None
1 year ago
latest_manifest = parsed['versions'][latest_ver]
1 year ago
1 year ago
dependencies = latest_manifest['dependencies']
1 year ago
except KeyError:
1 year ago
dependencies = json.loads('{}')
1 year ago
1 year ago
scripts = latest_manifest['scripts']
1 year ago
except KeyError:
scripts = json.loads('{}')
1 year ago
name = latest_manifest['name']
return Manifest(name, latest_ver, dependencies, scripts)
1 year ago
def parse_actual_manifest(pkg, ver):
# get and parse the manifest as it would be installed
1 year ago
# first, we need to find the package.json delivered with the package:
index_url = '{}/v/{}/index'.format(pkg, ver)
while True:
index = json.loads(requests.get(index_url).text)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
print('Failed to get index from webservice, retrying...')
1 year ago
hexsum = index['files']['/package.json']['hex']
manifest_url = '{}/file/{}'.format(pkg, hexsum)
# Sometimes the webservice seems to respond with an empty json - so this kludge got made:
while True:
manifest = json.loads(requests.get(manifest_url).text)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
print('Failed getting manifest JSON from webserver, retrying...')
1 year ago
# now we can parse it
version = manifest['version']
1 year ago
dependencies = manifest['dependencies']
except KeyError:
1 year ago
dependencies = json.loads('{}')
1 year ago
scripts = manifest['scripts']
except KeyError:
scripts = json.loads('{}')
name = manifest['name']
return Manifest(name, version, dependencies, scripts)
1 year ago
def compare_manifests(pkg, brief=False, color=False, recursive=False):
mismatch = False
if pkg.reported_manifest.version != pkg.actual_manifest.version:
mismatch = True
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.RED, end='')
print('Version mismatch for {}!'.format(
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if not brief:
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.YELLOW, end='')
print('Reported version: {}'.format(pkg.reported_manifest.version))
print('Actual version: {}'.format(pkg.actual_manifest.version))
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if pkg.actual_manifest.dependencies != pkg.reported_manifest.dependencies:
mismatch = True
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.RED, end='')
print('Dependency mismatch detected for {}!'.format(
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if not brief:
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.YELLOW, end='')
dep_diff = DeepDiff(pkg.reported_manifest.dependencies, pkg.actual_manifest.dependencies, verbose_level=2)
pprint(dep_diff, indent=2)
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if pkg.actual_manifest.scripts != pkg.reported_manifest.scripts:
mismatch = True
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.RED, end='')
print('Scripts mismatch detected for {}!'.format(
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if not brief:
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.YELLOW, end='')
scripts_diff = DeepDiff(pkg.reported_manifest.scripts, pkg.actual_manifest.scripts, verbose_level=2)
pprint(scripts_diff, indent=2)
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
1 year ago
if !=
mismatch = True
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.RED, end='')
print('Name mismatch detected for {}!'.format(
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if not brief:
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.YELLOW, end='')
print('Reported name: {}'.format(
print('Actual name: {}'.format(
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
if not mismatch:
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.GREEN, end='')
print('No mismatch detected for {}.'.format(
1 year ago
if color:
print(colors.END, end='')
1 year ago
if recursive:
for package in pkg.actual_manifest.dependencies:
print('Recursive: {}'.format(package))
mismatch = compare_manifests(Package(package), brief=brief, color=color, recursive=True) or mismatch
return mismatch
def main():
import argparse
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='npm-manifest-check', description='Check NPM packages for manifest mismatches')
1 year ago
parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true', help='recursively check all dependencies for mismatches')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--brief', action='store_true', help='do not show detailed comparisons of mismatching values')
1 year ago
parser.add_argument('-c', '--color', action='store_true', help='colorize the output')
parser.add_argument('package', type=str, help='name of the NPM package')
args = parser.parse_args()
package = Package(args.package)
1 year ago
mismatching = compare_manifests(package, brief=args.brief, color=args.color, recursive=args.recursive)
if mismatching:
1 year ago
if __name__ == '__main__':