:root { --background: #071e22; --navbar: #1d7874; --link: #f4c095; --linkhl: #ee2e31 } .header { font-size: 32px; height: 40; background-color: var(--navbar); } .sidenav { height: 100%; /* Full-height: remove this if you want "auto" height */ width: 160px; /* Set the width of the sidebar */ position: fixed; /* Fixed Sidebar (stay in place on scroll) */ z-index: 1; /* Stay on top */ top: 60; /* Stay at the top */ left: 0; background-color: var(--navbar); /* Black */ overflow-x: hidden; /* Disable horizontal scroll */ padding-top: 20px; } /* The navigation menu links */ .sidenav a { padding: 6px 8px 6px 16px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 25px; color: var(--link); display: block; } /* When you mouse over the navigation links, change their color */ .sidenav a:hover { color: var(--linkhl); } /* Style page content */ .main { margin-left: 160px; /* Same as the width of the sidebar */ padding: 0px 10px; background-color: var(--background); }