Felix Pankratz


Here you can find some links to projects I've been working on. Most are work in progress!


Python script to send PUSH notifications (via FCM) when a website changes.


Commandline only minesweeper game for Python on Linux!


(Ab)Using a MIDI clock signal as a way to determine the beat of a song with an Arduino. Drives WS2812b digital LED strips in sync with whatever music is playing in your DJ software. Click here for a demonstration!


Commandline tool to do various simple cryptographic caluclations and operations, aswell as cracking simple XOR ciphers.


A JavaFX project from university. Queries TheMovieDatabase for information on movies. Also provides links to streams and shows trailers. Lots of ideas stolen from PopcornTime.


Use a tiny Digispark as a Keyboard to pwn your enemies!


One of the three winning entrys of the Freiburg Hackathon 2017. Android App which converts the energy contents of more or less 'unusual' energy carriers.